Government / The Prime Minister

Prime Minister Nathaniel Matthews of the United Republic (MattDB)

Nathaniel Matthews (MattDB) is the fourth Prime Minister of the United Republic, and a founding member of the Third Republic. The Prime Minister is committed to growing the United Republic and working collaboratively with its international partners for global peace and economic development.

On this page you can find information about the Prime Minister, and updates from the Prime Minister's office.

➜ Bio: MattDB

Office of the Prime Minister

Level  2, The Executive Building,
Federation Avenue, Ellington EL
The United Republic

Latest Media Releases from the Prime Minister

Media releases from the Office of the Prime Minister (via the Government Media Centre)

On Unregulated Nuclear Testing

August 1 2023, 19:18 URST (UTC-9)

"The United Republic Government will lead by example and with strength of mind. ..."

➜ View the full release