Government / Nuclear Free / Our Story

our disarmament story

The United Republic once developed and maintained nuclear weapons. These were used to show strength and were intented to be used against our adversaries. Since then, the United Republic has disarmed and now no longer harbors nuclear weapons.


The Defence Objective Orientated Missile (DOOM) was the United Republics main nuclear weapons system.

In 2018 the United Republic began it's nuclear weapons programme. The Defence Objective Orientated Missile, also known as DOOM was developed and installed in Norwood, and later Asperia. This three-stage intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) was capable of delivering a payload thirty times as deadly as that dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. These missiles could reach any part of the globe.

A DOOM installation in Aspera, to the north of Newton, 2019

This camoflaged missile silo provided strategic protection to the Newton region of the United Republic.

The Defense Objective Orientated (DOOM) missile on display in the Norwood Museum of Peace* (Also pictured above), 2018

*Norwood existed on the Creative 1.12 map and was the former capital city of the United Republic.

A non-descript nuclear installation in Supernova*, 2019

This nuclear installation was developed in Supernova before 2019. These weapons became part of the arsenal of the United Republic. This installation was camouflaged from the public, and the populous were never aware of the purpose of this building (as pictured from the street).

*Supernova developed nuclear weapons independently from the United Republic.

growing tension

Nuclear war nearly occurred on December 5 2018

As tension grew between the United Republic and another nation, espionage and preparations for war ramped up. The development of the DOOM missile system accelerated. Only days from the completion of the system and global destruction was this nuclear war prevented by global pressure.

Had it gone ahead, the United Republic would have been responsible for the end of the world. Nobody would have survived the great war.

Espionage activites conducted by the United Republic

Pictured is a spying station situated atop an office building. This station was responsible for capturing high quality photographs and videos of military and civillian targets, and for intercepting radio signals and telecommunications.

It was made clear to the United Republic that if our nuclear programme continued, we would face international exclusion. If not a total nuclear war, the consequences of this would have been destructive to the United Republic.

While total disarmerment did not begin at this stage, the nuclear programme was rolled back and development of new weapons ceased at once. The Museum of Peace was constructed to promote international peace. Despite this, some nuclear weapons remained in place (the majority in Asperia) for defence purpouses.

Trucks manufactured for invasion and defence

The entrance to the Museum of Peace

The Museum of Peace in Norwood was opened on December 7 2018, a day that stands as a turning point in the United Republics nuclear-free journey.

"The United Republic must be a promoter of peace, unity and the dignity of all nations."

President _Travis
On the opening of the Museum of Peace, Norwood