Government / The President

President _Travis of the United Republic

_Travis is the first President of the United Republic. Founder of the first United Republic, the President has been heavily involved in the nation's history since its inception. The President's focus is on developing the United Republic as a centre for global culture, education, trade and diplomacy. 

On this page you can find information about the President, and updates from the Presidential office.

➜ Bio: _Travis

Office of the President

Level  2, The Executive Building,
Federation Avenue, Ellington EL
The United Republic

Latest Media Releases from the Prime Minister

Media releases from the Office of the Prime Minister (via the Government Media Centre)

Condemnation of Nuclear Testing

July 31 2023, 20:19 URST (UTC-9)

"The United Republic, in the clearest terms condemns the recent test of nuclear weapons by the USRGJ. ..."

➜ View the full release