Government / Nuclear Free

nobody wins a nuclear war

"The threat of nuclear war is an existential one. It effects every nation, community and every person. 

The development and testing of nuclear weapons mutilates environments and risks the health of millions of people. It is paramount that we work together as a global community to rid Creative 1.15 of the nuclear threat.

Our own nation once had nuclear weapons, and we nearly paid the price for it. We hope to lead the world by example through our story of disarmament and promote this vision to other nations."

President _Travis

Nuclear disarmament is the only way to bridge divides and guarantee peace. The United Republic firmly believes that Creative 1.15 should be fully nuclear free. Find out more below about our policy and what we've done within the United Republic to work towards peace.

the plan

A nuclear free world won't happen instantly, instead here is the United Republics vision of a nuclear free and united future.

➜ View the three step plan


end proliferation now

End the production and development of nuclear weapons.



End the maintenance of, and safely dispose of nuclear stockpiles.


protect our future

Create a strong global community to establish long lasting peace.

our imperfect history

The United Republic once developed and maintained nuclear weapons. Read our disarmament story. 

➜ View our disarmament story