Government / Nuclear Free / The Plan

the plan

Nuclear disarmament is the only way to bridge divides and guarantee peace. The United Republic firmly believes that Creative 1.15 should be fully nuclear free. Find out more below about our policy and what we've done within the United Republic to work towards peace.


end proliferation now

The first step for a nuclear free world is the end of proliferation, that is the creation of new, testing, and trade of nuclear weapons

Currently, many nations are stockpiling nuclear weapons. There are active programmes for weapons development and deployment happening across many nations. The United Republic firmly beleives that this must end now. The proliferation of nuclear weapons only brings us closer to doomsday.


end weapons manufacturing

This would see an instant stoppage to manufacturing and the closure of weapons manufacturing plants.


cease weapons development

We must end all development of nuclear weapons. Universities and armed forces should invest resources in to science and strengthening peace.



Existing stockpiles of nuclear weapons are enough to destroy the world many times over. The second step for a nuclear free world is the destruction of existing weapons.

Simply banning the creation and development of new weapons is not enough to guarantee a nuclear free future. Existing stockpiles have the capability for apocalyptic destruction, and are still being manintained.


end maintenance of weapons

As existing weapons age, they require maintenance. We would see the end of the manintenace of ageing nuclear systems.


destruction of existing stockpiles

Nations harboring nuclear weapons must in a safe manner destroy their stockpiles. We would support sustainable methods for this.


protect our future

We cannot let the global community push itself towards apocalypse. To protect our future we must organise nations and enforce anti-proliferation treaties.

There is always a risk that nations may re-proliferate. This cannot happen. The United Republic supports a world where nations work together to ban nuclear weapons proliferation and secure long-lasting peace.


a no-proliferation treaty

Nations must come together and sign a binding treaty banning nuclear proliferation. This would help to put an end to proliferation.


ongoing diplomacy

The most effective nuclear deterrent is diplomacy. Closer ties between nations would work to build trust and a true global community.