Government / Media Centre / The Prime Minister Calls for International Agency; Condemns Unregulated Nuclear Testing

The Prime Minister Calls for International Agency; Condemns Unregulated Nuclear Testing

The Prime Minister of the United Republic

17:18 URST (UTC-9), 2023/08/01 Anaheim, US, United Republic

The United Republic Government will lead by example and with strength of mind.

Nuclear weapons have the potential to decimate the world and upset the balance of cooperation and coexistence.

While we condemn with the highest degree the unregulated testing of nuclear weapons by the USRGJ, we must acknowledge the absence of an agency responsible for the discussion of and regulation of weaponry in any form. Further, we lack a cohesive international cooperative body.

This government is committed to the international regulation of nuclear weaponry and testing. 

Therefore we will propose to the SLRA and to the world the creation of the Council for the Control of Nuclear Arms, so that we may transform our condemnations into a strong, global and unified approach towards this issue. 
